Oh man! How long has it been since I last updated? *nervous laugh*
Well, this year we're going to change that!
As a part of my New Year's resolution, I've decided to wear make up at least 5 days a week. I know, someone who loves as make up as much as I do doesn't do make up everyday?! I was feeling uninspired, so I think once I get in the groove of getting up, doing my make up, I'll have more ideas.
I do have so ideas coming up, like 5 products I'd repurchase, as well as recommend, and 5 products I will never again repurchase. I'm also thinking about doing looks based on songs, books, characters, etc., so that's something to look forward to!
I do have some looks that I did for this year's Texas Renaissance Festival that I'm pretty pleased with. I'll get those uploaded for you tomorrow.
Right now I'm actually on a NO BUY for eye shadow. I purchased an actual toolbox over the summer that I have ALREADY outgrown. As in, I can fit everything in there... except for my brush bag. So.. I need to actually start using my stuff, and finding out what I like and what works for me! Other items are okay, but eye shadow is OFF LIMITS. I think I'll add a make up collection picture/video to my list of possible entries to come up with.
All in all, I'm excited for 2012. I got a fancy make up mirror for Christmas, and lots of fun things to play with, so here's to making this year the prettiest yet! Haha!